binary options trading does it work 30 seconds I’ve been on a DIY bread kick, lately. how to write an essay about my husband best college admission essay on nursing This usually happens every so often when I finally remember that baking with yeast isn’t actually difficult, and is really pretty simple and straightforward. Why I let myself forget that so often is really beyond me.
Buuut I made delicious fluffy sandwich bread a couple weeks ago, homemade mini bagels last weekend (they should make an appearance on the blog in one form, sooner or later!), and now, these beautiful things!
Basically, these came about because I was making some pulled chicken in the slow-cooker, but didn’t have any buns. I almost asked Mikey to pick some up from the grocery store on his way home from work, but then I was like, Wait, why don’t I just make some?!
Oh, um, speaking of the chicken, it’s really delicious, but the recipe is so easy that I thought it may be a bit embarrassing for it to have its own post. But here it is in case you’re interested in an easy weeknight meal:
Combine ^those ingredients in a crock pot. Add in 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, and cook on low for 3 to 4 hours. Remove the chicken and shred it. In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp cornstarch and 2 tbsp chicken broth. Pour into the crockpot and cook on high for 10 minutes. Add in the shredded chicken and toss to coat!
I serve it on my buns with a tiny bit of mayo and some dill pickle.
So simple.
But back to these buns! I’m obsessed with Everything Bagels, so I decided to make some Everything Buns! The seasoning on top is just a mixture of seeds, onion, garlic, and salt. It’s addictive.
And the buns themselves? SO soft and fluffy, and so much better than most of the crap you can get at the store! Plus, they’re really easy. Yes the risings take a bit of time, but the work you actually have to put in is minimal.
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably recognize the photos below. I couldn’t shut up about these while I was making them. But, if you make them, you’ll totally understand why!
Yield: 10 buns
recipe adapted from here