Strawberry Preserves (for canning!)
Let’s talk about recent obsessions.
Because I have way too many right now.
In the TV department, I’m completely smitten with CW’s new “dramedy” Jane the Virgin. I was crazy skeptical when previews for it first started showing up. I think I even said to Mikey, “Well, that looks horrible and I’m never watching it!” But, lo and behold, on a rainy day I decided to pull up the On Demand TV shows and gave the pilot a try, for whatever reason.
Guess what? I then watched every available episode, and set up a series recording. It’s fantastic! It’s incredibly clever and laugh-out-loud funny, and it totally feeds off it’s own ridiculous premise. I’ve even gotten Mikey into it! Seriously, if you haven’t yet, give it a chance!
I’m also crazy obsessed with the insanely popular podcast Serial. If you think you can’t get into podcasts, you haven’t heard this one. The first season was an exploration into the murder of a young girl in Baltimore in 1999, and the subsequent conviction of her ex-boyfriend—who has maintained his innocence for the past 15 years.
It’s fiercely fascinating, and though Season 1 is over, the community surrounding it seems to only be getting stronger. I dare you to listen to Episode 1, and not become totally addicted.
Last obsession I want to talk about? These preserves.
These strawberry preserves are the other result of my Christmastime harvest with my family, and they are mighty delicious. The big chunks of strawberry are the best part! Oh, and there are only THREE ingredients!
I totally can’t take credit for making this, though, as my mom put in all of the cooking effort. Well…aside from the strawberry smashing that my little brother Thomas was in charge of, and somehow ended up splattering strawberries all over the entire kitchen and himself!
While these are awesome eaten in the traditional sense—on toast, I am In. Love. with them as an ice cream topping.
Specifically, over Molly Moon’s Earl Grey ice cream, topped with Lavender and Bee Pollen Sugar Sprinkles (also from Molly Moon’s, which I think is the best ice cream shop on the planet).
Like…you don’t even know how frickin’ amazing this combo is…
Definitely makes me wanna cry that my jar of preserves is down to the last tablespoon or so .
(Mom, want to send me more? :D)

Strawberry Preserves (for canning!)
- 1 and 3/4 pound granulated sugar (or you can use caster sugar and skip the second step!)
- 2 lbs fresh strawberries, washed and hulled
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- Boil your jars and lids to sterilize them.
- Add the sugar to a food processor and process for a couple of minutes until finely ground (the sugar should start to billow out the top like smoke).
- Add the strawberries to large pan, and roughly mash them. Add in the sugar and lemon juice, and stir to combine.
- Place over low heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Increase the heat to high and bring to a rolling boil. Continue stirring until the mixture reaches 105 degrees on a thermometer.
- Cool slightly, then transfer to hot jars, leaving just a bit of head room (about 1/4" to 1/2"). Put the lids on and wait for jars to pop (this can take up to 12 hours).
- Place any jars that don't pop in the fridge and use first. Sealed jars will keep in a cool, dry place for at least 6 months.
recipe from here